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Breaking Changes

Removed request model classes in favor of additional parameters in methods and default values are now provided to simplify the usage. The following method signatures have changed accordingly:


// Previous to version v9.0.0
Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, CreateAgreementError>> CreateAgreement(CreateAgreementRequest agreement,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

// version v9.0.0
Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, CreateAgreementError>> CreateAgreement(string institutionId,
uint accessValidForDays = 90, uint maxHistoricalDays = 90, List<AccessScope>? accessScope = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Usage example

// Previous to version v9.0.0
var agreementRequest = new CreateAgreementRequest(90, 90, ["balances", "details", "transactions"], "SANDBOXFINANCE_SFIN0000");
var createResponse = await client.AgreementsEndpoint.CreateAgreement(agreementRequest);

// version v9.0.0
var createResponse = await client.AgreementsEndpoint.CreateAgreement("SANDBOXFINANCE_SFIN0000");


// Previous to version v9.0.0
Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>> AcceptAgreement(Guid id, AcceptAgreementRequest metadata,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>> AcceptAgreement(string id, AcceptAgreementRequest metadata,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

// version v9.0.0
Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>> AcceptAgreement(Guid id, string userAgent, string ipAddress,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>> AcceptAgreement(string id, string userAgent, string ipAddress,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

Usage example

// Previous to version v9.0.0
var agreementId = "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
var acceptMetadata = new AcceptAgreementRequest("example_user_agent", "");
var acceptResponse = await client.AgreementsEndpoint.AcceptAgreement(agreementId, acceptMetadata);

// version v9.0.0
var agreementId = "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
var acceptResponse = await client.AgreementsEndpoint.AcceptAgreement(agreementId , "example_user_agent", "");


// Previous to version v9.0.0
Task<NordigenApiResponse<Requisition, CreateRequisitionError>> CreateRequisition(
CreateRequisitionRequest requisition, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

// version v9.0.0
Task<NordigenApiResponse<Requisition, CreateRequisitionError>> CreateRequisition(string institutionId,
Uri redirect, Guid? agreementId = null, string? reference = null, string userLanguage = "EN",
string? socialSecurityNumber = null, bool accountSelection = false, bool redirectImmediate = false,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

Usage example

// Previous to version v9.0.0
var requisitionRequest = new CreateRequisitionRequest(redirect, institutionId, $"reference_{i}", "EN", agreementId);
var createResponse = await client.RequisitionsEndpoint.CreateRequisition(requisitionRequest);

// version v9.0.0
var createResponse = await client.RequisitionsEndpoint.CreateRequisition(institutionId, redirect, agreementId, $"reference_{i}");

Other breaking changes

  • The classes CreateAgreementRequest, CreateAgreementRequest and CreateRequisitionRequest are now internal instead of public
  • DebtorAccount and CreditorAccount properties of the Transaction class are now of type AccountDetails? instead of MinimalBankAccount?
  • The accessScope parameter for method AgreementsEndpoint.CreateAgreement is now of type List<AccessScope>? instead of List<string>

Other improvements

SupportedCountry enum

Added the SupportedCountry enum which can now be used to more easily use the GetInstitutions method:

var institutions = await _apiClient.InstitutionsEndpoint.GetInstitutions(SupportedCountry.Bulgaria);

New properties

  • Added the OwnerAddressStructured and DisplayName properties to the BankAccountDetails class
  • Added the OwnerName property to the BankAccount class

Full Changelog: v8.0.1...v9.0.0