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The Institution class represents a banking institution as returned by the Nordigen API.


Id - string

The unique id of the institution.

Name - string

The name of the institution.

Bic - string

The Business Identifier Code (BIC) of the institution.

TransactionTotalDays - uint

The days for which the transaction history is available.

Countries - List<string>?

The countries the institution operates in.

Logo - Uri

A URI for the logo of the institution.

SupportedPayments - SupportedPayments

Supported payment products for this institution. Only populated when calling InstitutionsEndpoint.GetInstitution.

SupportedFeatures - List<string>?

Supported features for this institution. Only populated when calling InstitutionsEndpoint.GetInstitution.

IdentificationCodes - List<string>?

Undocumented field returned by the GoCardless API. Only populated when calling InstitutionsEndpoint.GetInstitution.


public Institution(string id, string name, string bic, uint transactionTotalDays,
List<string> countries, Uri logo, SupportedPayments? supportedPayments,
List<string>? supportedFeatures, List<string>? identificationCodes)


id - string

The unique id of the institution.

name - string

The name of the institution.

bic - string

The Business Identifier Code (BIC) of the institution.

transactionTotalDays - uint

The days for which the transaction history is available.

countries - List<string>?

The countries the institution operates in.

logo - Uri

A URI for the logo of the institution.

supportedPayments - SupportedPayments

Supported payment products for this institution. Only populated when calling InstitutionsEndpoint.GetInstitution.

supportedFeatures - List<string>?

Supported features for this institution. Only populated when calling InstitutionsEndpoint.GetInstitution.

identificationCodes - List<string>?

Undocumented field returned by the GoCardless API. Only populated when calling InstitutionsEndpoint.GetInstitution.