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The CreateAgreementError class represents an error description as returned by the create operation of the agreements endpoint of the GoCardless API.


Summary - string?

The summary text of the error.

Detail - string?

The detailed description of the error.

InstitutionIdError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the institutionId sent during the request.

AccessScopeError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the accessScope property sent during the request.

MaxHistoricalDaysError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the maxHistoricalDays property sent during the request.

AccessValidForDaysError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the accessValidForDays property sent during the request.

AgreementError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the institutionId property sent during the request.


public CreateAgreementError(
string? summary, string? detail, BasicResponse? institutionIdError,
BasicResponse? accessScopeError, BasicResponse? maxHistoricalDaysError,
BasicResponse? accessValidForDaysError, BasicResponse? agreementError)


summary - string?

The summary text of the error.

detail - string?

The detailed description of the error.

institutionIdError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the institutionId sent during the request.

accessScopeError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the accessScope property sent during the request.

maxHistoricalDaysError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the maxHistoricalDays property sent during the request.

accessValidForDaysError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the accessValidForDays property sent during the request.

agreementError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the institutionId property sent during the request.