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The CreateRequisitionError class represents an error description as returned by the create operation of the requisitions endpoint of the GoCardless API.


Summary - string?

The summary text of the error.

Detail - string?

The detailed description of the error.

ReferenceError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the reference property sent during the request.

UserLanguageError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the userLanguage property sent during the request.

AgreementError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the agreementId property sent during the request.

RedirectError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the redirect property sent during the request.

SocialSecurityNumberError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the socialSecurityNumber property sent during the request.

AccountSelectionError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the accountSelection property sent during the request.

InstitutionIdError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the institutionId property sent during the request.


public CreateRequisitionError(string? summary, string? detail, BasicResponse? referenceError,
BasicResponse? userLanguageError, BasicResponse? agreementError, BasicResponse? redirectError,
BasicResponse? socialSecurityNumberError, BasicResponse? accountSelectionError,
BasicResponse? institutionIdError)


summary - string?

The summary text of the error.

detail - string?

The detailed description of the error.

referenceError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the reference property sent during the request.

userLanguageError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the userLanguage property sent during the request.

agreementError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the agreementId property sent during the request.

redirectError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the redirect property sent during the request.

socialSecurityNumberError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the socialSecurityNumber property sent during the request.

accountSelectionError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the accountSelection property sent during the request.

institutionIdError - BasicResponse?

An error that was returned related to the institutionId property sent during the request.