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The AgreementsEndpoint class provides support for the API operations of the agreements endpoint.



Gets a ResponsePage containing a given number of end user agreements.

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<ResponsePage<Agreement>, BasicResponse>>
GetAgreements(int limit, int offset, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


limit - int

Number of results to return per page.

offset - int

The initial index from which to return the results.

cancellationToken - CancellationToken

A token to signal cancellation of the operation.


Task<NordigenApiResponse<ResponsePage<Agreement>, BasicResponse>>

A NordigenApiResponse containing the ResponsePage which in turn contains the end user agreement(s) if the request was successful.


Gets the end user agreement with the given id.

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>>
GetAgreement(Guid id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Overloaded id parameter using the string type:

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>>
GetAgreement(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


id - Guid | string

The id of the agreement to retrieve.

cancellationToken - CancellationToken

A token to signal cancellation of the operation.


Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>>

A NordigenApiResponse containing the end user agreement if the request was successful.


Creates a new end user agreement which determines the scope and length of access to data provided by institutions.

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, CreateAgreementError>>
CreateAgreement(string institutionId, uint accessValidForDays = 90, uint maxHistoricalDays = 90,
List<AccessScope>? accessScope = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


institutionId - string

The institution this agreement will refer to.

accessValidForDays - uint

The length the access to the account will be valid for to request.

maxHistoricalDays - uint

The length of the transaction history in days to request.

accessScope - List<AccessScope>?

The scope of information that will be available for access to request. By default all access scopes (balances, transactions and details) will be requested.

cancellationToken - CancellationToken

A token to signal cancellation of the operation.


Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, CreateAgreementError>>

A NordigenApiResponse containing the create end user agreement if the request was successful.


Deletes the end user agreement with the given id.

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<BasicResponse, BasicResponse>>
DeleteAgreement(Guid id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Overloaded id parameter using the string type:

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<BasicResponse, BasicResponse>>
DeleteAgreement(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


id - Guid | string

The id of the agreement to delete.

cancellationToken - CancellationToken

A token to signal cancellation of the operation.


Task<NordigenApiResponse<BasicResponse, BasicResponse>>

A NordigenApiResponse containing a confirmation of the deletion if the request was successful.


Accepts an end user agreement.

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>>
AcceptAgreement(Guid id, string userAgent, string ipAddress,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Overloaded id parameter using the string type:

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>>
AcceptAgreement(string id, string userAgent, string ipAddress,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

This functionality is only available to customers with an enterprise contract at GoCardless.


id - Guid | string

The id of the end user agreement to accept.

userAgent - string

User agent of the client that accepts the request.

ipAddress - string

IP address of the client that accepts the request.

cancellationToken - CancellationToken

A token to signal cancellation of the operation.


Task<NordigenApiResponse<Agreement, BasicResponse>>

A NordigenApiResponse containing the accepted end user agreement if the request was successful.