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The RequisitionsEndpoint class provides support for the API operations of the requisitions endpoint.



Gets all requisitions belonging to your GoCardless account.

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<ResponsePage<Requisition>, BasicResponse>>
GetRequisitions(int limit, int offset, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


limit - int

Number of results to return per page.

offset - int

The initial index from which to return the results.

cancellationToken - CancellationToken

A token to signal cancellation of the operation.


Task<NordigenApiResponse<ResponsePage<Requisition>, BasicResponse>>

A NordigenApiResponse containing a ResponsePage which contains contains a list of requisitions if the request was successful.


Gets the requisition with the given id.

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<Requisition, BasicResponse>>
GetRequisition(Guid id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Overloaded id parameter using the string type:

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<Requisition, BasicResponse>>
GetRequisition(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


id - Guid | string

The id of the requisition to retrieve.

cancellationToken - CancellationToken

A token to signal cancellation of the operation.


Task<NordigenApiResponse<Requisition, BasicResponse>>

A NordigenApiResponse which contains the specified requisition if the request was successful.


Creates a new requisition which is a collection of inputs for creating links and retrieving accounts.

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<Requisition, CreateRequisitionError>>
CreateRequisition(string institutionId, Uri redirect,
Guid? agreementId = null, string? reference = null, string userLanguage = "EN",
string? socialSecurityNumber = null, bool accountSelection = false, bool redirectImmediate = false,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);


institutionId - string

The id of the institution this requisition will be linked to.

redirect - Uri

URI where the end user will be redirected after finishing authentication.

agreementId - Guid?

The agreement this requisition will be linked to.

reference - string?

A unique ID which can be used for internal referencing. By default, set to a random GUID.

userLanguage - string

Enforces a language for all end user steps hosted by GoCardless. Passed as a two-letter country code adhering to ISO 639-1. For a list of all possible languages see the GoCardless documentation.

socialSecurityNumber - string?

Some European banks allow sending an end-user's SSN to check whether the SSN is valid. For bank availability see the GoCardless Documentation.

accountSelection - bool

Enables the end user to select which accounts they want to share (like joint accounts, accounts of children, etc.) if set to true. For details see the GoCardless Documentation.

redirectImmediate - bool

Enables you to redirect end users back to your app immediately after they have given their consent to access the account information data from the bank, instead of waiting for transaction data being processed. Accounts endpoint status will be PROCESSING and you have to wait until account status is READY before you're able to query the transactions. For details see the GoCardless Documentation.

cancellationToken - CancellationToken

A token to signal cancellation of the operation.


Task<NordigenApiResponse<Requisition, CreateRequisitionError>>

A NordigenApiResponse which contains the created requisition if the request was successful.


Deletes the requisition with the given id.

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<BasicResponse, BasicResponse>>
DeleteRequisition(Guid id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Overloaded id parameter using the string type:

public async Task<NordigenApiResponse<BasicResponse, BasicResponse>>
DeleteRequisition(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


id - Guid | string

The id of the requisition to delete.

cancellationToken - CancellationToken

A token to signal cancellation of the operation.


Task<NordigenApiResponse<BasicResponse, BasicResponse>>

A NordigenApiResponse containing a confirmation of the deletion if the request was successful.